Online Conference - Adapting to Covid-19: Defending the Public Interest in Vaccine and Medical Development

On April 7th, 2020 from 10:00am - 1:00pm (GMT) Access to Medicines Ireland will host an online conference entitled:

Adapting to Covid-19: Defending the Public Interest in Vaccine and Medical Development

Currently the pharmaceutical industry, and the monopolies that drive its profits, control which medicines will be developed, and who will get to access them.

We are demanding public health rather than financial gain drive the R&D agenda. We want governments to apply conditions on public research funding that prohibits profiteering from COVID-19 so that everyone who needs treatment can get it.

The COVID-19 pandemic has proved how crucial it is to make public R&D funds available. If pharmaceutical innovation is left to private industry, this results in competition rather than collaboration, even when a global public health crisis emerges.

This web conference will examine the issues and highlight the pro-public steps that countries, international organizations, NGOs, investors, and industry can do together to ensure more equitable access to medicines.

Speakers include;

Ms. Emily O Reilly, EU Ombudsman

Prof Sam McConkey, Professor Infectious Diseases, RCSI

Dr. Ellen 't Hoen, University of Groningen

Prof Luke O’ Neill, Professor of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin

Dr. Andrew Hill, University of Liverpool

Mr. Darren O Rourke - TD and Ph.D. Scholar

Mr. Diarmaid McDonald, Just Treatment

Moderator;  Ms. Susan Mitchell, Deputy Editor, Business Post

Please register for the conference on our Eventbrite page:

Access to Medicines Ireland is a membership group of Comhlámh and is committed to exploring and promoting policies to make new medicines affordable globally. This conference is hosted by Access to Medicines Ireland  and is supported by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,  Medécins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders in Ireland, The Irish Global Health Network, The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, Universities Allied for Essential Medicine, Just Treatment  (UK) and Misfires (UCD). 

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